age ~44
from Citrus Heights, CA
www.tobias-esche... ----- TOBIAS ESCHER TRIO at BIX Jazzclub ...
"SERTAO" composed by Richard Galliano / arranged by T.Escher Orginal-L...
Tobias Escher Trio at Kesselhaus 2007. First show of the trio composed...
Tobias Escher: Accordeon/Vocals Hans Fickelscher: Drums Thomas Bauser:...
Tobias Escher Trio - Demo Clip Ausschnitte eines Livekonzertes von 200...
lorenzo petrocca guit thomas bauser hammond B3 armin fischer drums Ros...
Jam Session with Thomas Bauser (Hammond B3) and Thelonious Fonk (Drums)
Lorenzo Petrocca Organ TRIO Lorenzo Petrocca Guit. Thamas Bauser Hammo...