Total combustion and evaporative emissions from gasoline pump fuels can be controlled with total emissions no higher than those currently allowed by the addition of an evaporative factor such as RVP to the model predicting emissions, based on a number of considerations including the sensitivity of emission parameters (toxics, hydrocarbons, CO and NOx) as related to the variables in the predictive model (oxygenate content, sulfur, T, T, aromatics, olefins, benzene and RVP). The present pump gasolines will normally have compositions including Tno greater than 140 F. , Tno greater than 330 F. , RVP no greater than 7 psi and usually lower and sulfur no greater than 50 ppmw. Oxygenates may be eliminated, permitting Tvalues to increase which is not unfavorable from the viewpoint of total emissions provided other parameters are held within specified limits. Aromatics, olefins and benzene are normally held to maximum of 35, 10 and 1 vol % respectively to achieve satisfactorily low total emissions.