We love the enthusiasm the Green New Deal has brought to the climate issue ... but we need to operate in political reality, said Dan Whitten, vice president of public affairs at the Solar Energy Industries Association, the solar industrys main lobby group.
Date: Mar 21, 2019
Category: Business
Source: Google
Report: Indiana added 93 percent fewer solar jobs in 2017
"The tariff has created a fair bit of uncertainty over the next couple of years, and we do expect some job loss from the tariff," said Dan Whitten, vice president of communications for the Solar Energy Industries Association.
Date: Feb 07, 2018
Category: Business
Source: Google
Greens and Big Solar agree on climate change. But they can't agree on the California desert
Why the administration would on one hand call for greater use of renewable energy on public lands as a way to hit carbon reduction targets, while cutting off access to the land needed is lost on us,said Dan Whitten, vice president of communications at the Solar Energy Industries Association, th
Date: Aug 15, 2016
Category: Business
Source: Google
Solar energy use is skyrocketing, and you'll never guess why
scale, the price of solar panels and the power they produce is lower than its ever been. According to Dan Whitten, the vice president of communications at the Solar Energy Industries Association, By the end of 2020, the amount of installed solar capacity will be 300 percent higher than today. Nat
Date: Apr 23, 2016
Category: Business
Source: Google
Cost of solar energy falls every time the sun rises
By the end of 2020, the amount of installed solar capacity will be 300 percent higher than today, said Dan Whitten, vice president of communications at the Solar Energy Industries Association. Nationwide, it grew 10 times between 2008 and 2015.
In a statement, Dan Whitten, vice president of communications for the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), says, The decision by the court to allow states to continue work on their carbon-reduction plans under the presidents Clean Power Plan is a victory for advocates of clean energy everyw
Solar industry wishes Sunnova would just stop it: Extending the ITC is a top priority for the Solar Energy Industries Association and many solar companies. SEIA spokesman Dan Whitten writes to ME: "If they don't want to claim the credit, they don't have to."
Date: Nov 19, 2015
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Obama Said to Target Methane Emissions in Next Climate Task
The administration has an opportunity to workcooperatively with the industry to achieve a shared goal ratherthan initiate yet another rule-making process that addsuncertainty on both timing and substance, Dan Whitten, aspokesman for Americas Natural Gas Alliance, said in an e-mailbefore the