SKILLS: Writing: Ability to recognize and respond effectively to specialized audiences and with appropriate genres that include scientific articles, research proposals, executive summaries, reviews, handbooks, lectures, presentations, business memos, instructional materials, and multimodal texts. Research: Identify research opportunities and needs; design and carry out primary research projects (surveys, content analysis, in-depth interviews); analyze research data; perform sophisticated secondary research and analysis using technical databases (EBSCO, Lexis Nexis, JSTOR, MLA, WorldCat, ProQuest); create project schedules, meet deadlines, and prioritize tasks. Collaboration: Develop and participate in team writing projects; communicate efficiently and effectively in virtual environments; respond constructively to others' work. Computer: Use Microsoft, Mac, Omni Group, and Open Office productivity suites; design and participate in online management systems; analyze social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest) trends; create sophisticated presentations. Teaching: Design and manage composition, sociology, and justice courses, including business writing, technical writing, scientific writing, research methods, society and culture, advanced composition, criminal justice policies, and social theory; write and deliver research-based lectures; facilitate discussions; write and administer assessments; coordinate and facilitate class meetings; maintain class records for approximately 350 students a year.