The Proceedings Of The Second And Third Annual Workshops For The Acm Special Interest Group On Forth: Sigforth '90, February 16-18, 1990, Dallas, Texas .. Sigforth '91, March 7-9, 1991, San An
Phil Koopman, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University who studies vehicle automation safety, said he agreed that self-driving trucks can theoretically be safer than human-driven ones for the very reason that they lack drivers who might become distracted or impaired. But he cautioned that the veh
Date: Apr 29, 2024
Category: Business
Source: Google
Apple self-driving car found not to be at fault after being rear-ended
many of these accidents involve self-driving cars being rear-ended by human drivers. When speaking to Consumer Reports, Phil Koopman, a software engineeratCarnegie Mellon, suggested that part of the reason for the accidents may be that the autonomous cars do a poor job imitating human drivers.