Rob Caldwell runs a blog and website that helps other Network Marketers. is a resource for Internet Marketers and those who Make Money Online. Rob built the site to share tips, tricks...
Internet Marketer
Rob Caldwell
I am obsessed with Internet Marketing and helping others, including teaching, training, learning, and building. I look forward to empowering YOU today!
Rob Caldwell
I blog here a few times a month. I work for Jamaica Bearings Co., Inc. and have started a business on the side selling ties. I love hanging out and doing things with my family. I love to travel. (My ...
Rob Caldwell
Rob Caldwell
Rob Caldwell
Rob Caldwell
Duke Energy Renewables Control Center Now Oversees More Than 3500 MW
The expanded Renewable Control Center (RCC) is at the heart of our growing renewable operations across the US, said Rob Caldwell, president, Duke Energy Renewables & Distributed Energy Technology. The enhanced RCC increases our ability to safely and reliably operate wind and solar plants acro
Date: Jul 29, 2016
Category: Business
Source: Google
Google is first customer of Duke green-energy program
Having Google as the first company to publicly announce its participation is extremely satisfying, Rob Caldwell, Dukes senior vice president for distributed energy, said in a statement. We believe this will lead to similar announcements in the future.
Date: Nov 24, 2015
Category: Business
Source: Google
Duke Energy solicits for more solar projects in North Carolina
"We explored multiple options with potential Green Source Rider-qualified customers over the past year, and in-state solar appears to be a good fit for meeting their needs," said Duke Energy's Rob Caldwell, senior vice president, Distributed Energy Resources. "We will work with these customers to id
But all the solar power owned or purchased under the latest announcement will serve the North Carolina market, representing a 60 percent increase in the amount of solar energy going to the state's grid, Rob Caldwell, the firm's senior vice president of distributed energy resources, said on a confere
Rob Caldwell, a senior vice president at Duke, wouldnt disclose the specifics of the agreements. He said that while the costs were higher than those for making power with a gas-fired generator, they were about 10 percent lower than buying from the smaller-scale farms that still supply most of Duke
Date: Sep 15, 2014
Category: Business
Source: Google
Duke Energy Plans Major Solar Expansion In North Carolina
We feel very comfortable that theyre very attractively priced, said Duke senior vice president Rob Caldwell, who oversaw the process. One of our goals was to take advantage of the economies of scale for the larger projects.
It's a project that includes three solar panel facilities. One right here in Bladen County. Senior vice president of distributed energy Rob Caldwell says it is going to be a cost effective plan for their customers.