1980 to 2000 Consultant/CEOROBERTS WESLEYAN COLLEGE Rochester, NY 2012 to 2013 Adjunct FacultyAssociate Professor 2007 to 2012CAPELLA UNIVERSITY, Online
2007 to 2010 Adjunct ProfessorCREATIVE LEARNING SYSTEMS, INC
2002 to 2007 Reading SpecialistCREATIVE LEARNING SYSTEMS, INC Tulsa, OK 1989 to 1993 Adjunct English InstructorCREATIVE LEARNING SYSTEMS, INC
1989 to 1993 Special Education Department HeadCREATIVE LEARNING SYSTEMS, INC
1983 to 1988 Improvement TeacherCREATIVE LEARNING SYSTEMS, INC
1981 to 1983 Adult Education TeacherDETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Detroit, MI 1973 to 1983 TeacherCHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS Chicago, IL 1978 to 1979 Teacher
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1997 Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instructions/Reading EducationHigh School English Teachers' Beliefs 1997Four High School Drop-outs 1992WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY 1976 Ed.S. in SociologyEASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY 1972 M.S. in Special EducationINTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY Troy, MI 1971 B.S. in Family Life Education/Early Childhood DevelopmentMiddle School 1971 Master's of Science
Joyce Nadir 1974 graduate of GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER SR. HIGH SC. in New orleans, LA is on Classmates.com. See pictures, plan your class reunion and get ...
The Beatniks: Starring Tony Travis, Joyce Ter...
DVD: www.amazon.com thefilmarchived.... The Beatniks is a 1960 Americ...
Film & Animation
06 Apr, 2011
1h 12m 26s
Ta-Se Bem Part.1 com Joyce Nadir
23m 41s
Ta-Se Bem Part.2 com Joyce Nadir
27m 17s
Atuao no T-Se Bem Part.2 com Joyce Nadir: Kan...
4m 22s
Actuacao no Ta-Se Bem Part.1 com Joyce Nadir:...
3m 3s
We Need Change
Why aren't black children learning to read in school? Research clearly...
6m 35s
Teaching Letters and Sounds vdo snd
Teaches parents how to teach young children to write letters and say l...